Most runway incursions start with some kind of distraction. The distraction could stem from rushing to get in the air, doing checklists while on the hold short line, having a conversation about unrelated topics, etc. Finish all your checklists and briefings in the run-up bay and all non-essential activities should be avoided after that.
In a towered airport like CZVL there are only two instructions that a controller can issue that would allow you to taxi into an active runway: “cleared for take-off” or “line-up and wait”. If you hear anything else continue holding short and ask for clarification.
And here are a few tips from Transport Canada:
“Here are some suggestions for starting your own ground safety awareness program at an airport. Most of these tips apply both on the ground and in the air.
- Always communicate clearly and use the proper phraseology
- Read back clearances with restrictions
(altitude, heading, runway number) - If you don’t hear them clearly, always ask for clarification; this is a sign of a professional pilot
- Keep an uncluttered cockpit
- Avoid idle conversation
- Listen to the other traffic on your frequency
- If youe aircraft is moving, keep a good lookout
- Proceed with caution when approaching any other taxiway or runway
- Don’t move into the active runway while trying to finish your personal safety check- list
- Be ready when cleared for takeoff”