Welcome to Your Private Pilot Training

For your information and to meet government regulations, we would ask that you take some time to review this information, as you will be required to become familiar with it for the duration of your training.
Permit Ages
  • Student Pilot Permit – 14 years old
  • Private Pilot License – 17 years old
Minimum Categories 3 Medical Certificate as determined by Transport Canada. If you plan to go for your commercial license we recommend getting the category 1 medical to ensure you can obtain it in the future.
Requirements: CARS 421:26
Ground School
An applicant shall have completed a minimum of 40 hours private pilot aeroplane ground school instruction on the following subjects:
  • Canadian Aviation Regulations
  • Aerodynamics and Theory of Flight
  • Meteorology
  • Airframes, Engines and Systems
  • Flight Instruments
  • Radio and Electronic Theory
  • Navigation
  • Flight Operations
  • Licensing Requirements
  • Human Factors, including pilot decision-making
An Applicant shall have obtained a minimum of 60% in each of the following four mandatory subject areas as well as in the overall written examination Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (PPAER)
  • Air Law – regulations, rules and orders, air traffic services, practices and procedures, and licensing requirements relevant to the licence
  • Navigation – navigation, radio aids and electronic theory
  • Meteorology
  • Aeronautics – General Knowledge – airframes, engines and systems, theory of flight, flight instruments and flight operations


An applicant shall have completed a minimum of 45 hours private pilot flight training in aeroplanes under the direction and supervision of the holder of a Flight Instructor Rating – Aeroplane. A maximum 5 of the 45 hours may be conducted on an approved aeroplane simulator or flight training device.
The flight training shall include a minimum of:
  • 17 hours dual instruction flight time including a minimum of 3 hours cross-country flight time and 5 hours of instrument time of which a maximum of 3 hours may be instrument ground time
  • 12 hours solo flight time including 5 hours cross-country flight time with a flight of a minimum of 150 nautical miles which shall include 2 full stop landings at points other than the point of departure.


Within the 12 months preceding the date of application for the licence, an applicant shall successfully complete a flight test to the standard outlined in the Flight Test Guide Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (TP13723E).
  • Student Pilot Permit, Aviation Regulations Examination (PSTAR)
  • Radio Operators Exam
  • Check flight with Class 1 or 2 instructor
For Issue of Private Pilot Licence:
  • Transport Canada written examination Private Pilot – Aeroplane (PPAER)
  • Transport Canada Flight Test (Pilot Examiner on site)

Your Training is divided into two parts:


The 80 hour ground school course is divided into 4 Modules; General knowledge, Airlaw, Meteorology, and Navigation. The course is presented via the Power Point medium with a test at the end of each phase. You may begin your training at the start of any of the 4 Modules.
This traditional lecture style is supplemented with videos, guest speakers and group activities. In addition, we encourage group discussions and opinions. The best way to learn is by asking lots of questions and staying involved.
To be eligible to write the examination required for the issue of your licence, you will need to produce the following:
  • A letter of recommendation from the Flight Training Unit or from the flight instructor who is responsible for the training of the applicant, stating that the applicant has completed the ground school instruction, and has reached a sufficient level of knowledge to write the examination.
To be eligible to write the examination required for the issue of your licence, you will need to provide proof that the experience and training requirements set out below have been met:
  • an applicant for a Private Pilot Licence shall have completed 10 hours flight time in the same category of aircraft, or hold a valid Pilot Permit – Ultra-light Aeroplane.


The other component to your training is learning how to fly the actual aircraft. You do not necessarily need to do the ground school first. In fact, we have found that the most beneficial progression in training is achieved when ground school and flying are conducted simultaneously. Therefore, you are able to apply your theoretical knowledge to its practical use in the air. As you gain flying experience you will acquire a better grasp of the theoretical principles presented in the classroom. In other words, you establish a link between what you have learned in the classroom with your practical skills in the air. The connection between these two components will bring about a clearer understanding of flying and make your training more enjoyable.
Your flying schedule will be determined with the help of your flight instructor. You can expect the typical one-on-one flight training lesson to take approximately two hours of your time. Although not necessary, flying two to three times a week seems to be the best guideline.
Stage 1 – Familiarization
Your first lesson will be focused on introducing you to the aircraft and its major component. Also, learning how to complete an inspection of the plane and get a weather briefing will be major focuses in this initial phase.
Soon you will be discussing taxiing, and basic attitudes and movements, and you will be set to take your first flight.
Stage 2 – Basic Manoeuvres
This stage consists of several flights, which will focus on basic manoeuvres such as straight and level flying, climbs and descents, and turns. You will acquire a basic knowledge of the handling characteristics of the aircraft. Next you will work on the fun stuff, upper air work – slow flight, stalls, spins, spirals, and sideslip. Finally take offs and landings and circuit training.
Stage 3 – Solo Preparation
During this stage you will be trained on emergency procedures and further explore the handling techniques of the aircraft.
Before your first solo flight you will need to have passed the PSTAR exam and the radio operator exam. Also, you will need your medical certificate, which you will have acquired previously following your medical examination by a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner. You will also need to complete a check flight with a senior instructor to ensure you are safe to fly solo and as a quality assurance that all of our EFC instructors are teaching to the high standard we strive to obtain.
Once you have completed your first solo you will be flying circuits at the Parkland airport and possibly traveling to and from Villeneuve to practice on your own.
Stage 4 – Advanced Manoeuvers
Now back to the practice area where your instructor will teach you the procedures for advance upper air work and into precautionary and forced landings and how to fly solely by the aircraft instruments. Once you have become proficient you’ll be going out solo. At this stage training becomes more of one or two dual flights followed by a solo flight until the required exercises are completed. This stage in training also include specialty take offs and landings.
Stage 5 – Cross Country
Now that we’ve seen so much of the practice area and Villeneuve, why not spread our wings and see some more “exotic” locations surroundings Edmonton, St. Paul, Vegreville, Drayton Valley, and Red Deer are all possible locations for your cross country navigation experience. Route planning, map reading, in-flight calculations, and creating a navigation log, are all included in this phase of your training.
Stage 6 – Flight Test Preparation
Finally, a quick review to polish all of the skills that you have learned in your training. Your instructor will make sure you are confident and well prepared for the Flight Test which will be coming up in only a short amount of time.
Stage 7 – Flight Test
We strongly recommend you complete your Transport Canada written exam prior to your flight test. This way the final phase is the flight test. It’s not as scary as it sounds. During your training you are constantly being prepared for this moment. The examiner will mark you on every flight maneuver for safety and accuracy within a given range of limits.
And that’s it, once you’ve passed the written exam and your flight test, you have some paper work to fill out and then you can apply and be a fully licensed pilot. Congratulations!


The weather conditions required for the dual and solo portion of the Private Pilot Licence are as follows:

  • Dual Training (Day, Single Engine, Local) – Minimum ceiling of 1,000 AGL and 3 statute miles visibility.
  • Solo Training (Day, Single Engine, Local) – Minimum ceiling of 2,000 AGL and 10 statute miles visibility.
  • Dual Training (Day, Single Engine, Cross Country) – Minimum ceiling of 1,500 AGL and 3 statute miles visibility at departure point, enroute weather, and destination forecast.
  • Solo Training (Day, Single Engine, Cross Country) – Minimum ceiling of 3,000 AGL and 15 statute miles visibility at departure point, enroute weather, and destination forecast. You must return at least 1 hour before sunset.
  • Maximum wind & cross-wind for conducting takeoffs and landings.
  • Single Engine Dual – Maximum wind of 25 knots and/or cross wind component not to exceed POH to the discretion of the instructor and CFI.
  • Single Engine Solo – Maximum wind of 15 knots and/or cross wind component of 10 knots
  • Minimum Temperatures for Flight Training Operations
  • Single Engine
    • Dual Flight – Not Less than -26° C Not more than 29C
    • Note* these temperatures are before wind chill. Safety is always the priority with EFC and hence warmer temperatures with high wind chill values are to the discretion of the instructor with consultation to the CFI or ACFI.
  • Fuel reserves necessary for dual, solo and local and cross-country training flights.
  • Local single engine:
    • Dual Flight – 45 minutes
    • Solo Flight – 45 minutes
  • Cross-country single engine:
    • Dual Flight – 45 minutes
    • Solo Flight – 1 hours. All solo flights must leave with full tanks.


Please familiarize yourself with the location of our practice areas, which is CYA 209(T) – located approximately 12 NM west of the Parkland airport. This advisory area is listed on both the Edmonton VNC and the Edmonton VTA. There is also some low level training done approximately 10NM North west of Villeneuve in the Sandy lake area as well as 25NM to the North of Morrinville.


Reporting of defects and unserviceability’s is as follows: the pilot in command will enter the defect or unserviceability in the Aircraft Journey Log, and notify Club Dispatch Staff as per Edmonton Flying Club Maintenance Control Manual.
Any defect or unserviceability that happens away from home base is to be reported by phone to the Club (collect calls accepted). Under no circumstance shall any maintenance be performed on club aircraft without the express, written permission from the head of maintenance at the Edmonton Flying Club.


All of our aircraft are generally hangared for the night. Where that is not possible because of a late arrival, the PIC is required to check that all switches are off, control locks are in place, doors closed, 2 wheels are chocked. The aircraft should be placed in the lee of the building to avoid any wind gusts.
When away from the club, plans should be made for tie-downs. Tie-down kits are available from the club. All landing & parking fees, if applicable, is the responsibility of the renter during X/C training.


In the event of an unscheduled or forced landing the PIC is required to shut all systems down, and determine if there are any injuries to themselves or any passengers.
As safety allows, try to determine if the ELT is activated by listening on 121.5 kHz if a radio is operational. If radios are non-operational, attempt to maximize the possibility of the ELT functioning by visually inspecting the switches and aerial. If an overnight stay appears imminent take shelter, build a fire, stay with the aircraft and wait for rescue.


Staff and students are reminded that it is required as staff and recommended to students to wear long pants while in the training aircraft as a precaution to being forced down.  We would also remind you that for winter operations, appropriate clothing needs to be worn in case you have to walk out or are forced to overnight in the bush.


Please ensure you acquire a current Study and Reference Guide (TP 12880E) and Flight Test Guide for the Private Pilot Licence (TP 13723E).