Cessna 172SP G1000 Models

The Cessna Skyhawk is the ultimate training aircraft and the most popular single-engine aircraft ever built. With forgiving flight characteristics, great visibility, a sophisticated glass cockpit outfitted with G1000 avionics, slow landing speed and a forgiving stall – the Cessna Skyhawk is a flight training favorite ideally suited for student pilots. The Club also has 1 Cessna 172SP, C-FEGU (2000) with steam gauges.

  • (5) Cessna 172SP G1000
  • (1) Cessna 172SP (Steam Gauges) C-FEGU

2016 Piper Seminole

The Piper Seminole has clearly established itself to be the best multi-engine trainer available today. With over twenty years of proven service, both students and instructors can appreciate its ability to perform advanced maneuvers and procedures skillfully and safely. 


The Edmonton Flying Club’s flight simulator is a Modular Flight Deck manufactured by Precision Flight Controls of Sacramento, California. Using a specially engineered version of  ‘X-Plane’, it has the flexibility and potential to be used to fly anywhere in the world.

The MFD simulator can simulate approximately 20 different types of aircraft from the basic fixed pitch single engine (eg. C172) all the way through a light twin such as a Piper Seminole.

The simulator is primarily used for commercial and instrument ratings but can be used for a few hours in each of the various licenses and ratings to give students and members the opportunity to practice complicated exercises with ability to pause at any time if there is any confusion or questions.

The simulator is enclosed and uses five 40” flat-screen TV’s surrounding the cockpit to give a realistic representation of what the pilot sees when they look out of the cockpit windows. The software allows us to generate virtually all types of weather conditions and to fly at any time of the day or night, on any date of the year. 

The visual system gives the ability to simulate many different flights, both Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR.) Dual cockpit controls enable two-crew training including Cockpit Resource Management.

The avionics stack includes a Garmin 1000 that can be changed out to a Garmin 530/430 GPS/NAV/COM, as well as a second NAV/COM, an ADF, a Mode C transponder, and an autopilot.

Interchangeable cockpit screens and throttle quadrants give an accurate representation of the various instrument configurations and the hands-on controls related to different types of aircraft.