Gerald Morgan


Gerald became a member with EFC in 2005. He took over the Manager position in 2012 and has worked in Maintenance and Accounting with EFC. Gerald is originally from Fort McMurray and did some of his flight training in Phoenix Arizona as well as here at EFC.

Radwan Hoche

Chief Flight Instructor
Class 2 Instructor
After a discovery flight in 2018, Radwan became a member of EFC to finally pursue his childhood dream. After fulfilling his, he’s now helping others with theirs. 
Radwan, completed all his training through EFC and over the last couple years worked as Dispatch, Chief of Dispatch and has now proudly joined our Flight Instructor team. 
Besides flying, he loves traveling around the globe and meeting new people.

Eric Christensen

Director of Maintenance, AME
Eric is originally from Hinton, joined the club and started flying in 2007. He worked dispatch with EFC while he completed his PPL before starting to apprentice with EFC as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.
Eric left EFC for a few years but returned in 2014 after working on a variety of planes with Courtesy Air. Eric became our Person Responsible for Maintenance & Person Responsible for Maintenance Control in September of 2019.

Lew Taylor


We are happy to introduce our newest AME to join the EFC team, Lew Taylor. Lew is originally from Newfoundland and moved to Edmonton in 1997. He is a proud father of 2 busy teenagers and enjoys spending time with his family in the outdoors hunting, fishing and snowmobiling!

Lew’s career started with Air Atlantic followed by Iqaluit Air, Ken Borek Air and the Alberta government. Lew was working with CanWest when the COVID19 pandemic hit and he was laid off. Lucky for that, Lew was looking for a change and EFC was looking for him!

Lew has worked on Dash 8s, 146’s, 748s, 726s, King Airs, Twin Otters and more!

Elroy Wells

EFC Support Staff

Roles include; emotional support before and after flights, doorbell duty, the occasional dishwashing shift, food quality assurance sampler, and bringing as much cuteness as possible.