Allen A.
A University of Waterloo engineering graduate working in Alberta’s oil and gas sector, Allen had to patiently wait a few decades until he and his wife raised their two daughters before being able to pursue his passion for aviation and further advance his flight training.
A member of EFC since 2016, Allen joined the EFC flight instructor team in the Fall of 2021 and now teaches MIFR and is also a Cirrus Standardized Instructor Pilot (CSIP).
In his spare time, you will find Allen flying his plane with his wife to various interesting destinations in Canada and the US.
Radwan Hoche
Class 2 Instructor
Gerald Morgan
Gerald became a member with EFC in 2005. He took over the Manager position in 2012 and has worked in Maintenance and Accounting with EFC. Gerald is originally from Fort McMurray and did some of his flight training in Phoenix Arizona as well as here at EFC.
Eric Christensen
Lew Taylor
We are happy to introduce our newest AME to join the EFC team, Lew Taylor. Lew is originally from Newfoundland and moved to Edmonton in 1997. He is a proud father of 2 busy teenagers and enjoys spending time with his family in the outdoors hunting, fishing and snowmobiling!
Lew’s career started with Air Atlantic followed by Iqaluit Air, Ken Borek Air and the Alberta government. Lew was working with CanWest when the COVID19 pandemic hit and he was laid off. Lucky for that, Lew was looking for a change and EFC was looking for him!
Lew has worked on Dash 8s, 146’s, 748s, 726s, King Airs, Twin Otters and more!
Elroy Wells
Roles include; emotional support before and after flights, doorbell duty, the occasional dishwashing shift, food quality assurance sampler, and bringing as much cuteness as possible.
Martin Edwards
Assistant CFI
Marty was bitten by the aviation bug early in life when his father (Retired RAF pilot) would take him flying in his ultralight from farm strips in England where he is originally from. He completed his PPL & CPL in Squamish BC, before moving to Edmonton to become a flight instructor.
Marty loves everything that flies and has had some truly memorable experiences flying a Tiger Moth, Super Decathlon, ultralights and para-motors.
When not flying, Marty can be found on the local ski slopes with his wife and children… or watching Star Trek.
Sophia Wells
Class 1 Multi IFR Instructor/ Flight Examiner
Sophia came to the Club in 2009 after completing the Mount Royal Aviation program and then working for a year at the Calgary Flying Club. Sophia became the CFI in August of 2012 and also flies part time on a Piper Navajo and a Cessna Citation for a local construction company. She is originally from the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta.
In 2018, Sophia was named to Wings magazine’s Top 20 Under 40: Agent of Change. In 2019, she was honored with Mount Royal University’s Outstanding Alumni Award.
Sophia is currently on maternity leave and is excited to soon welcome home a baby girl.
Justin Bailey
Multi Engine Examiner
Justin was born on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. He spent 20 years in Ontario, completing his flight training at WWFC at the Kitchener / Waterloo airport (CYKF). He later obtained his seaplane rating and time on floats at Lake St. John (CNV6).
Now flying as captain on the Beech 1900 for Central Mountain Air, Justin continues with EFC as a part-time instructor and multi engine examiner.
Robbie Benusic
Robbie has returned to his flight instructing roots after a 22-year break where he was, and still is, an Air Traffic Controller. He is currently working at training the new CYQF Control Tower, but also spent time in CYEG CYZF and CYXD Towers. Robbie originally did all his flight training at the Edmonton Flying Club and graduated from the first class of the Edmonton Flight College in 1994. He flight instructed for 3 years in Dawson Creek and Port McNeill (north end of Vancouver Island), and also did a 6 month tour in Resolute Bay working for Kenn Borek on Twin Otters.
Fadhl Abughanem
Fadhl hails from Ottawa, Ontario, where he first developed a passion for aviation—probably while dreaming of escaping the frigid winters. After a decade of keeping the streets safe and chasing down bad guys as a law enforcement officer, he decided it was time to chase clouds instead. He completed his flight training at EFC and has been instructing there since 2022, helping others navigate the skies and handle both turbulent weather and unruly students.
When he’s not soaring through the air or imparting his wisdom to aspiring pilots, you can find him hanging out with family and friends or in the gym.
Mohamad Mahfouz
A locally born, raised, and trained pilot, Mohamad began flying after obtaining an electrical Engineering degree from the University of Alberta. His passion for flight instruction stems from the countless hours flying cross-country around North America with friends and family – subconsciously passing on the joys and thrills of flying. He joined EFC in April 2019, and in December that year he joined the instructor ranks. He is also multi-instrument rated, multilingual, and circumnavigated the globe multiple times. Always setting his sights on the next challenge, an aerobatic rating is his next venture.
Hannah McKay
Event Sponsorship Coordinator
Hannah started her aviation journey in 2018 as a Flight Attendant. She realized she was on the wrong side of the flight deck door and began flight training in 2020. Hannah came to the Edmonton Flying Club in 2021 to complete her Commercial license, Multi engine rating, and more recently her Flight Instructor rating.
When she is not flying at EFC, Hannah works as the Membership and Community Outreach Coordinator with Elevate Aviation. She loves giving back to the community when she can and inspiring the next generation of pilots. Outside of aviation, she can be found on her snowboard in the winter and mountain bike in the summer enjoying nature with her family.
Lyndsey Panasiuk
Lyndsey started her aviation journey in 2019. She worked as a nurse for ten years when she decided to make the jump and follow her passion for flying. She came to Edmonton Flying Club in 2021 to complete her Commercial Pilots License and her Instructor Rating. Lyndsey is excited to help others pursue their aviation dreams.
When Lyndsey is not flying she enjoys picking up a shift at the local hospital or spending time outside walking her two dogs, biking, boating or camping.
Keshiya Wickrama
Keshiya has completed her Private, Commercial, Multi, and Instructor training all at EFC. She hopes to graduate from the Aviation Management program at MacEwan once the Instrument Rating is completed. She is thrilled to finally join the instructing team and help other students achieve their flying goals! Keshiya hopes to complete the rest of her advanced training and one day pursue an airline career. Outside of aviation, she enjoys singing in choir and spending time with friends and family.
James Jeong
James completed all his flight training at Cooking Lake Aviation, where he began his aviation journey. In fact, it’s pretty full-circle that he wrote his first aviation written exam right here at EFC four years ago! Now, after earning his Commercial Pilot License (CPL) and Multi-IFR rating, As a Flight Instructor James is excited to pass on the knowledge and skills he has gained to our students.
When he is not flying, James enjoys playing baseball and basketball. James is looking forward to helping aspiring pilots achieve their aviation dreams!
Bill Dimmer
Bill has been an EFC Club member since 1987. He was a dispatcher before earning his Commercial License and eventually his Instructor Rating. Bill has also been a long time member of the CASARA group.
David Hein
I started my flight training at EFC in the summer of 2022, and since then I have completed my PPL and joined the dispatch team. I look forward to continuing my training at EFC and to one day fly for a living!
Nabeel Ahmed
From a very young age Nabeel has been fascinated with aircraft and everything to do with aviation. He started his flight training in 2022 and is currently working towards his Commercial License. Nabeel says he loves the people at EFC and feels extremely grateful for the opportunity to turn his childhood dream into a reality!
Morgan Mciver
Morgan, mainly known as the funniest staff member at EFC, is working towards a CPL with a dream of doing medical transport work.
Jirom Jumadiao
Jirom joined EFC in 2020 after being in the Elevate ace program in high school. He became a dispatcher a year later while working on his PPL. In 2022 he completed his license and is now working towards his CPL. Jirom has been passionate about aviation since he began plane spotting when he was 4 years old and hopes to be flying for the airlines soon!
James Derksen
James became a member with EFC in 2021 when he started his PPL training and later started as a dispatcher at the club. He is currently working towards his license with the plan to go to college for his CPL and later pursue a career in the airlines.
Oleksandr Faryna
Oleksandr became a member of the Edmonton Flying Club in the Fall of 2021 working towards completing his PPL training, and has since became part of the Dispatch team in the Spring of 2022. Oleksandr is currently also in school at the University of Alberta’s Bachelor of Arts program, majoring in Economics.
Oleksandr looks to finish off his PPL License, and continue to work on his CPL, Multi Engine, and Multi IFR ratings to later pursue a career flying for the Airlines!
Anas Abdulazim
Anas Is originally from the middle east and lived in 5 different countries before moving to Canada in 2019, He obtained his ICAO CPL ME IR from South Africa in 2015, and is currently in the last stages of his license conversion.
Anas’s passion for flying started in the early stages of his childhood and he is very passionate about pursuing a career in the airlines.
Kiev Calo
Kiev started his flight training at EFC during the spring of 2022 and was always curious about working in dispatch. Working with planes in any capacity has always been a dream of Kiev and he was finally able to be a part of the dispatch team during the winter of 2023. Kiev is currently working towards completing his PPL training and then plans to complete his CPL and ultimately pursue a career in the airlines.