Ground School + Membership Application
Membership Application
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7.3 General Rules and Regulations (flying Orders)
7.3.1 Member Accounts
Aircraft and services shall be available only to Members with their Edmonton Flying Club account in good standing.
All charges shall be paid in advance of or immediately following any flight unless credit arrangements are made with the Manager or their delegate.
7.3.2 Damage or Loss
In the event that any aircraft or equipment of the Edmonton Flying Club is damaged or destroyed due to the failure of the Member to observe Edmonton Flying Club, Transport Canada or any applicable jurisdiction’s rules the General Manager may determine that the member will be required to reimburse the Edmonton Flying Club for all or part of the costs for replacement or repair.
7.3.3 Flight Operations
All flights shall be conducted in accordance with:
- the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
- the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
- the aircraft flight manual (AFM/POH)
- any other pertinent information issued by Transport Canada
- the Transport Canada Flight Training Unit Operating Certificate
7.3.4 Unserviceable Equipment and Unusual Occurrences
Any unserviceable equipment or unusual occurrence shall be recorded in the journey log for the aircraft and the PIC shall notify dispatch or maintenance as soon as practicable.
7.3.5 Aircraft Icing and Surface Contamination
Aircraft that has accumulated snow, ice or frost shall have all traces removed before attempting take-off. At the pilot’s discretion, exceptions can be made for frost resulting from cold-soaked fuel.
For additional information see CAR 602.11
7.3.6 Baggage, Equipment and Cargo
All loose items or baggage shall be removed from or secured in the aircraft before start-up.
For additional information see CAR 602.86
7.3.7 Cabin Safety
Safety harnesses and/or seat belts shall be properly fitted and used when the aircraft is in motion.
For additional information see CAR 604.82
7.3.8 Boarding of Passengers with Engines Running
All aircraft engines shall be stopped before passengers enter or exit from the aircraft.
7.3.9 Fire Extinguishers
All Members shall be familiar with the location of fire extinguishers in the aircraft its operation.
For additional information see CAR 602.60
7.3.10 Starting and Ground Running of Aircraft Engines
No person shall start an engine of an aircraft unless a pilot’s seat is occupied by a person who is competent to control the aircraft.
For additional information see CAR 602.10
7.3.11 Ground Movement and Taxiing
Taxiing shall be done with due regard to safety. Aircraft shall always be stopped a safe distance from buildings. Aircraft engines shall never be started or run in a hangar.
7.3.12 Suspension of Flying Privileges
The CFI/ACFI may verify the flying ability of any Member at their discretion. Checks may be requested at any time and may require that the Member demonstrate their ability and knowledge to safely operate the aircraft.
7.3.13 Aircraft Returning Outside of Operating Hours
- ensure that the aircraft has been parked in a suitably sheltered area of the apron
- the aircraft cannot freely move by using chocks or tiedowns
- the documents are locked inside the aircraft and the keys placed inside the mailbox next to the air side hangar door
7.3.14 Drug and Medication Usage
No Member or passenger shall be permitted in an aircraft while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication capable of impairing their ability.
For additional information see CAR 404.06 and 602.03
7.3.15 Flights Conducted Under Special VFR
No Member shall operate an aircraft under Special VFR except in the following circumstances:
- the PIC is an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club OR
- it has been authorized by the CFI/ACFI
7.3.16 Flights Conducted in IMC
No Member shall operate an aircraft in IMC except in the following circumstances:
- the PIC is an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club OR
- it has been authorized by the CFI/ACFI
7.3.17 Maneuver Restrictions
Spins or any other aerobatic maneuvers are not permitted except for the purpose of instructor proficiency or flight training toward a commercial or private license and:
- the exercise is spins (13) AND
- the PIC is an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club
7.3.18 Permissible Low Altitude Flight
Aircraft shall be at operated an altitude of one thousand (1000) feet AGL or more except when taking off or landing except for the purpose of flight training toward a commercial or private license and:
- the exercise is either diversions (23d), precautionary landings (21), forced approach (22) or illusions created by drift (20) AND
one of the following is true:
- the PIC is an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club
- a solo flight is under the supervision and direction of an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club but at no time lower than 500AGL
7.3.19 Mountainous Terrain
No aircraft shall be operated in or over mountainous terrain unless the PIC has successfully completed mountain check.
7.3.20 Aerodrome Restrictions
Landings at aerodromes that are not paved are prohibited except:
- the PIC is an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club conducting flight training
- the aerodrome has been authorized for use by the CFI/ACFI
In the event of an emergency or unplanned landing the pilot shall immediately notify staff providing all details of the cause and location of the landing. The Member shall not attempt to take off again without the permission of the Manager or CFI/ACFI.
7.3.21 Dispatch of Aircraft
Weather minimums outlined in 7.4 and as posted shall be met before an aircraft is dispatched unless authorized by the CFI/ACFI. Rental and solo flights shall present their pilots license, medical and radio operators’ certificate.
Rental flights shall provide passenger information including their name and an emergency contact that is not on board before commencing the flight.
For rentals where the aircraft will be operated beyond 25NM of Parkland (CPL6) shall have a cross country authorization form completed.
All solo flights for purpose of flight training toward a commercial or private license shall be authorized by an instructor employed by the Edmonton Flying Club.