COVID-19 Notice

(UPDATED July 1, 2022)

EFC COVID-19 PRecautions

July 1, 2021

As per Alberta Health lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, EFC has amended our precautions as follows:

  • Daily cleaning of aircraft and facilities.
  • Masks are now optional around the club.
  • Masks are recommended in the aircraft as per Health Canada guidelines.
  • Renters may now bring more than one passenger however, we do recommend all from the same household.
  • In-class ground schools have been resumed – fall enrollment is now open.

January 22, 2021

Edmonton Flying Club has procedures in place to disinfect the aircraft before and after each flight , as well as the building hotspots such as door knobs every few hours however no person who has any signs of sickness should attempt to come to the club. You can do your part and wipe the surface including computer keyboards and any other area with a disinfecting wipe or tell a staff member so they can ensure the area has been cleaned.

If you show any signs of sickness you will be sent home. We are requesting that flights are booked solo or only with one member of your family/household who are also healthy and that they limit their time in the facility and primarily stay in the aircraft.

We are not open to the general public or visitors during this time. Please do not come to EFC if you do not have a flight. We also ask that you wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Please wash your hands as often as possible, especially before walking out to the airplanes as well as after returning from a flight. If a sink is not available, please take advantage of hand sanitizer or worst case a Lysol disinfecting wipe to clean hands as needed. Avoid touching your face and if you need to cough or sneeze do so into your elbow or disposable tissue and then wash your hands. If you have travelled in the last few weeks stay home for 14 days after your trip. If you have any symptoms or you have contacted someone who has symptoms such as fever, cold, cough, sore throat please STAY HOME!

As we all know, this is a unique situation and has provided many challenges for individuals and companies.

Please contact Sophia [email protected] or Gerald [email protected] with any questions or concerns.